Following some audio recordings of our instruments.

FATIMA (Portugal) – Basilica di N. S. del Rosario

M. DURUFLE’ – Suite pour Orgue Op. 5 – Toccata


OLIVIER LATRY plays the Mascioni organ V/90  in Fatima (PT)
Live recording during the inauguration concert

MESSIAEN’ – Offrande et Alléluia final


JOAO SANTOS plays the Mascioni organ V/90  in Fatima (PT)
Live recording during the Vth inauguration concert

ROME – Istituto Portoghese di S. Antonio

F. LISZT – Fantasia e Fuga su B.A.C.H.


GIAMPAOLO DI ROSA plays the Mascioni organ V/63  in Rome IPSAR

VAIRANO SCALO – SS. Cosma e Damiano

TCHAIKOVSKY – The Nutcracker – Suite
SAINT-SAENS – Carnival of the Animals


EMANUELE CARDI – GIANFRANCO NICOLETTI plays the Mascioni organ III/41 (2011) in Vairano Scalo (CE)

COCHERAU – Suite Francaise – Basse Et Dessus De Trompette


FILIPPO SORCINELLI plays the Mascioni organ III/41  in Vairano Scalo (CE)

ALESSANDRIA – S. Giovanni Evangelista

G.F. HANDEL – Occasional Oratorio Overture


MASSIMO GABBA plays the Mascioni organ III/47  in Alessandria

GIUBIASCO (Switzerland) – S. Maria Assunta

J.S. BACH – Trio sonata in mib maggiore BWV 525


MANUEL TOMADIN plays the Mascioni organ II/22 in Giubiasco (CH)

TOKYO (Japan) – St. Mary Cathedral

B. PASQUINI – Toccata con lo scherzo del Cucco

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J.S. BACH – Aria variata alla maniera italiana BWV 989


LORENZO GHIELMI plays the Mascioni organ III/46  in Tokyo (JP)

VARESE – S. Massimiliano Kolbe

J.S. BACH – J.S. Bach – Sei gegrusset Jesu Guetig BWV 768/6


MIRKO BALLICO plays the Mascioni organ II/23  in Varese

AVIGNON (France) – Notre Dame des Doms Cathedral

G. FRESCOBALDI – Canzon post il comune


LUCIENNE ANTONINI plays the Piantanida-Mentasti organ (1820) in Avignon(FR)


Following some video recordings of our instruments.

FATIMA (Portugal) – Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

A preview of the first CD recrored by Wayne Marshall on the organ we built for the Sanctuary. Thanks to Jake Purches who made the recordings and the video.

WAYNE MARSHALL plays the Mascioni organ V/90  in Fatima

ROME – Istituto Portoghese di S. Antonio

Ch. TOURNEMIRE –  Fantasía “Victimae Paschali laudes”

LIUDMILA MATSYURA plays the Mascioni organ V/63  in Rome IPSAR

VOGHERA – S.Lorenzo Cathedral

CD “Prospettive Sinfoniche” Motette-Psallite. Video-Introduction

DAVIDE PALEARI plays the Balbiani – Mascioni III/74 di Voghera

ALESSANDRIA – S. Giovanni evangelista

Presentation of the new organ built for the church St.John the Evangelist

ROBERTO STIRONE and MASSIMO GABBA play the Mascioni organ III/47  in Alessandria

VOGHERA – S. Lorenzo Cathedral

L. VIERNE – Carillon de Westminster

MASSIMO GABBA plays the Mascioni organ III/74 in Voghera

PONTEVICO – SS. Tommaso e Andrea apostoli Abbey

J.S. BACH – Toccata e Fuga in Re minore BWV 565

LUCA RAGGI plays the Mascioni organ  III/43  in Pontevico (Brescia)

COSENZA – Cathedral

F.A. GUILMANT – Organ Sonata No.1 Op.42, Finale

FRANCESCA AJOSSA plays the Mascioni organ  III/45  in Cosenza


H.M. HIGGS – Toccata Militare

GIANCARLO PARODI plays the Mascioni organ  II/28  in Castellanza

TOKYO (Japan) – St. Mary Cathedral

J.S. BACH – Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 649

LORENZO GHIELMI plays the Mascioni organ  III/46 in Tokyo